Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

#1.) How much do you tip your stylist?

#2.)If a different person washes your hair, how much should you tip her?

#3.)If it's a small salon, and the owner cuts your hair, do you tip him/her? (Someone told me not to tip if the owner does your hair.)

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Hello thank you for caring....

Answer question 1...Be honest to your self.. Does your stylist make you feel great when you leave? Do they do a good job on your hair. Do they try to give you suggestions? Do they make you happy? If they do their job then yes was the answer to many of those questions. Then you tip them accordingly. I charge $15 a cut. I usually get 3-5$ tip for a cut.

Answer question 2.... $2

Answer question 3...Oh my god hell yea you tip us!!!!!!! We own the the shop.. We put in at least 70 hours a week.. Please show us the appreciation. We are the ones that make things right. We carry the weight of those we hire, when they screw up WE fix it. And no matter how much money you think we are making, I swear to you we are barely getting by and we could use every dime to keep the salon open. No really every penny of my tips goes back into the till to pay for electric or water or mortgage. Your happiness is our priority. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer your question. hope it helped.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

How did this tipping ever get started? When a mechanic fixes your car ........ have you ever tipped them for doing such a great service ?What about the butcher??? Report It

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

I completely agree with Bryan. I hate people who JUST work for tips. Tipping should be something if you are happy then you give them but nowadays every person from a pizza deliver guy to cab driver asks for tip. so now it's much more of a show off rather than customer satisfaction. Report It

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Tipping owners....never.... your choice to own business..... sorry....

Tipping employees....yes if they do good job

although I'm a flt attendant, and we don't gets tips, and company policy is no tipping anyway. Report It

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Hey my hairdresser charged $80 for me and $90 for my daughter, for some streaks and a 5 minutes of snips each. Frankly, that is a lot of friggin money to make for a couple of hours work so that is money enough thank you and no tip whatsoever! Report It

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Oh and that is cheap too...most hairdressers charge $200 each for that. Sure I can go for the $15 cuts and then hide for 3 months till it grows it's worth the $80 for someone who is good...but never $200 or up...that is nuts. Report It

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Just tip the stylist....unless you have a lot of money to give out.

I give atleast $30-40

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

You normally do not tip the owner, pretty much because all the money goes to them anyway. You tip 10-15% depending on the level of work it takes to get your look. You usually only tip one person and they split it.

I usually tip about 10%

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

good ? especially b/c salons can be soooo expensive that you can be broke by the time you pay, I generally feel $10-$15 is adequate, that 10-15 percent which is what you would give a waitress for the person who washes your hair, maybe $2-5 and thats being generous b/c honestly i think its the main person who does your hair who should get the tip

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

2-5 for a hair washer. OR MORE if you like them.

Depends on your service. just wash /cut/ style. 5-10

Color or anything that takes a while 10-15

If the owner does your hair and there are 2 other people that work. tip her.

IF they are a owner of a biger place dont tip.

Tip what you want to tip.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Well I shave my hair myself. So I don't have to tip.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

#1) Generally, you can tip your stylist $5-10. Or if you're feeling generous, you can always tip more. :)

#2) This also applies to the different person who washes your hair. Although most just give a dollar, it's still nice to give a little more (around $3-4). [Once, my mom got $5 tip for washing a person's hair!]

#3) Even if it is the owner, you should still give a tip.

I think, though, it's best that you judge whether they did a good job or not and go from there.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Having worked in a salon, a good tipper will tip you 20%. 15% is acceptable though. Anything less is almost an insult. If an Assistant washes your hair, it is polite to tip them a few dollars. As far as owners are concerned. The owner I worked for got tipped 75% of the time. There are no rules and regulations though. Also, don't forget the "ones" washing your hair are making minimum wage, getting bossed around all day by stylists. Cut them some slack.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

15% is what you should tip

if you had your hair washed by a wash girl, it's nice to tip her a buck or two, but not expected.......the stylist might share with her

tipically you don't tip the owner....but you can if you want to.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

1) I tip between 15-20%, usually more towards 20%. The more you tip your stylist, the more willing they are to throw in extra stuff when you're at the salon; such as a free blow dry, or eyebrow waxing.

2) Every salon I have been to my stylist has washed my hair, so no I've never had to tip.

3) Don't know, from what I here your not suppose to tip the owner. But, I'd like to know if that's wrong.

Tipping at the hair salon.. What's the proper etiquette?

Between 15%-20% depending on the outcome...if they totally screw up...NOTHING!

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