Saturday, November 28, 2009

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

Well, my daughter is 2 1/2, and her hair has never been cut. I tried taking her to the salon, but she wouldn't sit in the chair. I also tried taking her to a salon just for kids. Her hair is really long, so most of the time I just keep it up. The front of her hair hangs in her face alot. I also want to cut it because it's summer, and the shorter length will be better. So, last night I bought a pair of hair scheers, and I am prepared to cut it myself. I am nervous though, I don't want to mess it up. I want to cut about 4 inches off, and give her side bangs. If any professional stylist have any advice, or even anyone who has cut ther own daughters hair before, it would be very helpful. Thanks!

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

Have you tried taking her to the salon and having her sit on your lap? I had to do that to my son, he would cry as if the world was ending. Maybe if you put her in your lap and give her a lollipop, she will sit still. Good luck

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

Cut it all off!

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

I have cut my Daugheter's hair plenty of times... she is also 2 1/2 years old... if you want to cut the back of it, and don't want to mes it up, then i would make sure you don't try and just cut it off all at once, with the length, just take it slow.... and everything should fall into place, and when it comes to her sitting still, let her hold onto the comb while you are trying to cut with the scissors.... that's what i do with my daughter.... GOOD LUCK!

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

Honestly my best advice would be to see if a stylist may be willing to make a trip by your house and do it there. It may be a little pricey, but unless you know how to cut hair it may not be a good idea to do it yourself. I'm not saying you aren't capable, but if it makes you that nervous to do it leave it to the professionals. Take your daughter out for a sundae or something after the hair cut for being brave.

Advice for cutting my daughters hair?

Because she's only 2 /12, it'll be really hard to keep her still and you might make a slight mistake. I heard that there was a mother who accidently cut her daughter's ear off. Not to scare you or anything. Even the salon could make a mistake if your daughter won't keep still. The best would be to cut it yourself because she's more comfortable with you doing it. But be very careful and if she makes a slight movement, step away and wait till she's calm or tell her to calm down and don't move cause you don't want any accidents. And how her hair looks now, will carry how she looks through life.

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